Ghost Written Article, Solo Ad, and 6 Line Ezine Ad
Writing Service Details, Ordering & Discounted Solo Ezines
(Also known as the Solo Ad Explosion or SAE)
This is the "foundation" service that starts you off and running.
I write everything you need and you decide how you want to use it. (You can even add an existing solo ad publisher to your order before checking out - see below.)
REMEMBER: Your name goes on the material you order. The material I write for you is designed to "make you proud" to be an author!
I will be in constant communication with you. Please anticipate 5-7 days (per ordered amount) for the writing and your review process.
Partial Testimonial:
This article is PERFECT!! It has everything and more in it which includes all the H1, H2 and H3 tags, links, etc. inserted in the right locations. (I'm talking like I am a writer, which I'm not, :-) but the article just flowed perfectly as I was reading it.
The solo and classified ads are the "bomb" too!
I couldn't have found anyone to have created a better solo ad and classified ad for this topic.
Read the rest of Oliver's comments here |
Article Minimum Length
Your quality article (post style) will be a minimum of 400 words. Anything over and above is "on the house."
You'll get the article plus the free bonuses below in three formats: pdf, word doc, and plain text making it extra easy for you to use your newly created material.
Traditional Ad-Style Solo
Includes creative subject line, body of your message, call to action, and link to your web site. This is written for you for free.
6 Line Ezine/Classified Ad
For this portion, it will be up to you how you use it and where you use it - online or off. This is written for you for free.
How Much?
Typically, 50 cents a word (and higher) is the "going rate" for high quality ghostwritten internet and affiliate marketing, and home or small business material.
But, I promised you budget-friendly pricing and top notch writing, so your price for the entire ghost-written package isn't anywhere near that price!
You'll get everything above for only $97!
Or choose to DOUBLE or even TRIPLE your ghostwritten order now and SAVE 15% on multiple writing-only service orders!
FIREFOX USERS Workaround Until They Fix It:
My Wizard Ads
Owner: Theresa Cahill
Las Vegas, Nevada
Phone Call Days & Times:
There is a lot of information already on the site, please do read.
Chances are your question has already been answered
on the Service page, Have Questions page, Contact page, etc.
Phone Days: Monday through Friday
Pacific Time Zone Phone Hours: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(702) 436-0144
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