You do receive a REVIEW copy to approve. Two rewrites are allowed.
Sometimes the words just don't come to you.
Sometimes the ads you are given have been used too
Thank you Theresa... you are
an AWESOME business woman who obviously goes above and beyond. You are greatly
“Magic happens when you give with an open heart”
Terry Gorley - WorldChanger
I'll write your 6 line, 60 characters per line ezine ad for you and send you a review copy first. The size
requirements do include your website/affiliate url.
(Paypal accepts credit cards even if you do not have a Paypal account. You don't need
to login. Their secure server credit card processing is clearly visible on the checkout page.)
Reasonably priced at only $47 - $27
one-time only
Advertising Disclaimer: MWA's guarantee is you will get the service you pay for. Your order will be confirmed by
me, and the publisher(s). There is never any guarantee you will make money
online. Your choice of programs to promote is your responsibility.
However, you are responsible for all payments made in order to advertise your programs, products, and
Use your own due diligence when selecting any program or service to promote
My Wizard Ads
Owner: Theresa Cahill
Las Vegas, Nevada
Phone Call Days &
There is a lot of information already on the site, please do read.
Chances are your question has already been answered
on the Service page, Have Questions page, Contact page, etc.
Phone Days: Monday through Friday
Pacific Time Zone Phone Hours: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(702) 436-0144
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check to see what time it is now in Nevada.
Thank you!

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Click on the Clock
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