Budget Friendly Solo Ads, Ezine Ads
& Ghost Written Articles For Affiliate & Internet Marketers, and Home & Small Businesses
If you're ready for honesty, you've come to the right place.
Welcome! My name is Theresa Cahill, and I'm here to help you communicate through the written word. Whether you enjoy writing, or not, the program you're promoting or the website you're growing needs material. Yes, content is still "king."
Comprehensive all-written-for-you service includes a 400-word minimum ghostwritten informational article, ghostwritten traditional-style solo ad, and ghostwritten ezine classified ad. Guess it's easy to tell that ghostwriting is the major focus of this service. You never write a single word.
Don't worry I'm just an email or phone call during business hours (pacific time) away.
You will receive the personalized service you may have found lacking up until now. In addition, you are ensuring FTC compliance for your advertising by using permission based contact mailing lists filled with readers looking for the right opportunity, service or product.
I work one-on-one with you. This site is not "automated."
Theresa, I want to thank you for your great service. In addition to receiving excellent results from the advertisements I submitted to your company for distribution, your attention to detail and amazingly prompt response time puts you head and shoulders above the rest. I would recommend your services to anyone looking for results on their advertising campaigns.
Kathleen Gage
The Street Smarts Marketer
You will get the service you pay for. Your order will be confirmed by me and I keep you in the loop throughout the writing process. In fact, your participation is critical, too! I'll need you to watch your inbox for emails from me, and ultimately, the review and final copies for each piece of the advertising package you've ordered.
There is never any guarantee expressed or implied that you will make money online with your advertisement. Nobody owns a crystal ball... nobody.
Help Is Just A Click Away
You are welcome to contact me at any time. The contact info form link is in the first box on the left hand navigation. I also do answer my phone during my phone hours (posted below on every page).
My Wizard Ads
Owner: Theresa Cahill
Las Vegas, Nevada
Phone Call Days & Times:
Please Note: Although it goes against my way of doing things, we've become "selective" in answering incoming calls (if Google or Windows wants me, they can send a check first LOL!). That said, chances are your question has already been answered on the comprehensive writing package page - it's very straightforward. If you do have questions, consider emailing me first. Just scroll past the clock below for access to the form.
Phone Days: Monday through Friday
Pacific Time Zone Phone Hours: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(702) 436-0144
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check to see what time it is now in Nevada.
Thank you!

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Click on the Clock
Frequently Asked Questions
Click Here to Contact Me Via Email Anytime
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